Dapoxetine in usa
I have noticed that as we get older do not sleep at the same time(like kids), because hormones in our brains are changing. When we sleep at night most people go to bed at around 11pm (usually, they might go past), and get up at 8 am. I tend to go bed around 8-9pm and wake up 9-10am. I have done some research on DAPOXETINE and am finding it very helpful...I will try this week with the help of a good sleep expert I am asking...thank you so much for this!!! The first thing I noticed was that wasn't as tired on the whole day as I was before began taking it... I noticed would go to bed around 8-9 pm and then I would just hang on until 8-9 am. It seems to be working. I was able to work through the night so far and still had ample energy that day as